I started CVSS in 2007 with two goals in mind: providing
highly specialized surgical care to the community and region
I grew up in, and to constantly improve the level of that
care. Having practiced before in a large group practice, I
recognize some distinct benefits to being a smaller specialty
practice, namely the flexibility to attend to your needs on a
more personal level. I can take the time to answer questions,
consult, and arrive at the best solution for your pet’s problem.
Surprisingly, this does not always include surgery. I try to work very closely with your veterinarian;
in fact, most tests and work-up are done by your veterinarian prior to coming in for consultation.
Often, much of the aftercare can be performed by your family veterinarian. CVSS is located in a newly renovated
facility, with attention to all details necessary to provide the safest, most comfortable, and
comprehensive surgical care for your pet. Overnight care for many surgical cases is needed. We have
overnight staff dedicated solely to the care and comfort of your pet. Our committed goals are to make
your pet’s (and your) surgical experience low stress, low anxiety, comfortable, and convenient. Our
ultimate purpose is to improve your pet’s quality of life. That purpose applies to any diagnosis, and any
surgery we do. We strive to provide this through skill, compassion, environment, and follow-up.
~ Dr. Kirsch