We are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, by referral appointment only. Most pets
can have surgery the same day as their consultation appointment; if surgery is performed, your
pet will likely stay in the hospital one night. Scheduling exceptions may be made for emergencies.
Situated in Nokomis, our surgical center is easily reached from north or south.
The address is: 665 Tamiami Trail N., Nokomis, FL 34275. We are at the corner of Tamiami Trail N.
and Inlets Blvd. Entrance and parking are in the back off Inlets Blvd.
From North: take Tamiami Trail (US41) south to Nokomis, we are ¾ mile south of the Laurel
Road/Tamiami Trail intersection, on the west side of the Trail.
From I-75 N, take SR 681 (exit 200) to Tamiami Trail, head south, 1 mile to Inlets Blvd.
From South, take Tamiami Trail or from I-75, take Laurel Road exit (exit 195) go west on Laurel
to Tamiami Trail, head south ¾ mile to Inlets Blvd.